High Pressure Hydraulic Fittings

What is hydraulic hose fittings?
Hydraulic hose fittings are used to connect hydraulic hoses, tubes, and pipes to pumps, valves, cylinders and other parts of the hydraulic system.
What are hydraulic fittings for?
Hydraulic Fittings are used to connect a hydraulic hose to components like hydraulic cylinders, pipes, tubes, or different types of hydraulic hoses. The different types of hydraulic fittings allow the fluid to flow, change its direction, divert, or mix.
What are hydraulic fittings called?
The three most common types of hose fittings are O-ring, mated angle and threaded. However, there are several more types of hydraulic hose fittings available. O-Ring: The three types of O-ring seal designs are O-ring boss, flat face O-ring seal and O-ring flange.
What are the different types of hydraulic fittings?
Three basic types now are available: SAE straight-thread O-ring boss fittings, face seal or flat-face O-ring (FFOR) fittings, and O-ring flange fittings. The choice between O-ring boss and FFOR fittings usually depends on such factors as fitting location, wrench clearance, or individual preference.
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